Eren Elsewhere's Mindset Cheat Sheet - 8 reminders to snap out of sadness, anxiety and resistance

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You’re in a trance. 

You’re in a trance when you: 

  • are angry at others 
  • yell at someone in traffic 
  • feel like everyone is judging you 

You’re in a trance because the lenses you see the world through become dirty and smudged from time to time. 

And you need to wake up. 

Don’t let life control you, it’s you who must control life. 

Here are 8 spell-like reminders to instantly relax your shoulders and snap out of life's trances.

Say these to yourself in moments of struggle, and regain control of your mind, mood and life. 

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8 spell-like reminders to instantly relax your shoulders and snap out of life's trances.

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Eren Elsewhere's Mindset Cheat Sheet - 8 reminders to snap out of sadness, anxiety and resistance

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